Definitely the fame and fortune. /dolla dolla bills y'all
...Haha. IN REALITY, I thought I might be an academic type, and could do productive, useful work in academia. I don't know if that's actually true, because every few months I look up jobs in other fields and dream wistfully and/or wish I'd made different life choices long ago. But it might be true one day. I chose environmental lit because in undergrad I studied both biology and lit (and science writing), and I'm really interested in what each can do for the other, in terms of confronting and negotiating the planet's pressing environmental needs.
Other jobs I've wistfully considered recently: fisheries management, fishery observer, fish canning, the national park service, being a lawyer, being a maid, being a lab tech.
I'm a PhD student in English Language & Literature, and as of tomorrow I am done with coursework and studying for my preliminary exams~ I teach literature and composition courses within the department, though I've also worked as a research assistant. :)
What's the story behind your ocean / cetacean / sea life fascination? It's obviously more than just an "I-like-the-water" deal -- you're knowledgeable. (Seriously, at first I suspected you were a marine biologist, and after the realistic details of the orca!Dean fic, I was convinced you were.)
What's your oceanic story, chick?
eta: Self, did you just call a story where Dean eats magicked whale meat and becomes a whale himself . . . realistic? O fandom, what have you done to me?
But my grandparents are from Hawaii, and my grandfather was a longshoreman, so it's a thing, I guess. And on my father's side, they're all ocean kayakers, basically, so there's that. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, so I was blessed with many trips to shoreline camp and the best aquarium in the world! <3 I ended up going to college in San Diego, so I minored in biology and in science writing, and my best friend/roommate majored in biology and worked as a research assistant in a shark lab, so it's a long-running trend. :DD
Almost every day I wonder why I moved to the Midwest to pursue a graduate degree in literature. :\
But hee, I'm glad you appreciated the biology that went into that story! It was one of my favorite things about writing it. Because eh, I'm not big on anthropomorphy of animals, since the best part about them is their animality, you know? So I wanted to keep as much of that as I could.
So, lit-educated person: is there a word analogous to anthropomorphy that would describe ascribing animalistic behaviors to humans? Because I am in the middle of doing that for a fic, again, after having done it several times in other fics featuring, for example, werebears. And it's so fun! And convenient for kink
Hm.... animality, perhaps? As distinct from animalism. But yeah if animal transformation is going to happen I figure you might as well keep the "animal" in the equation, right? Otherwise that's no fun!!
THAT IS SO COOL. I wish a shark were adopted in my name!!! My father adopted half a llama or something in his parents' name once, but I think that's about it. XD
Oooh, these are fun questions! :) I will reply to them in chunks~
If I were a Disney princess... hm. Nala, from The Lion King. She was one of my heroes growing up--my bff and I used to play "Nala and Nala" and play-act being lions.
If I could visit the SPN world, I think I'd limit my time there, because I feel like the civilian lifespan isn't super great, uh. XD But I'd love to see a ghost, or a death echo. And I'd want to run my hands down the chassis of that pretty pretty car. And um, I'd like to know what possessing someone felt like, and if it felt anything like writing fic does.
Ahh! That is so cool! I love that you both could play her!
I LOVE your things to do in the SPN universe <3 Possession is so interesting in regards to fic writing. I find it to be perhaps more mutual. You reminded me Iwas trying to write this fic about Dean communicating with Sam in The Cage through a fic writer, that she could experience on her body some of the things Sam could, and she could get into his self like writers sometimes do - there may or may not have been a thing there about taking back possession from Lucifer
Oooh, what an interesting fic premise. <333 I've been trying to put together something similar (but not quite) that involves fic writers, too. Yours sounds much cooler, though. Did you ever finish that fic/do you think you will, or want to?
For me I think the mutuality of POVs varies by character. Like, there's Meg, who's like SURE DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. But then there's Dean, where writing him feels primarily like trailing behind him, attempting to capture something that won't keep still--either that or it's me just being like, okay Dean you know what we're gonna do? You're gonna sit the fuck down and you're going to do whatever I want you to do, jfc. XP I suspect this is why my Dean fic never tends to really do anything, and consists primarily of Dean wandering around, either literally or mentally
( ... )
Megalodon seem fun! :) Though if I had to choose a badass shark, I think I might go for shortfin mako. Those things are like the cheetahs of the sea! And anything that can go after a tuna is pretty badass in my book. XD I also like lemon sharks, tiger sharks, blue sharks, and the new pocket shark, if I had to name favorites. And I think basking sharks are creepy. O_o;;
Alas I'm not sure I have very many feelings about giant prehistoric animals, because I like to see things in motion to know if I like how they move or not, and for the prehistoric ones we never got that chance! XD
Comments 33
...Haha. IN REALITY, I thought I might be an academic type, and could do productive, useful work in academia. I don't know if that's actually true, because every few months I look up jobs in other fields and dream wistfully and/or wish I'd made different life choices long ago. But it might be true one day. I chose environmental lit because in undergrad I studied both biology and lit (and science writing), and I'm really interested in what each can do for the other, in terms of confronting and negotiating the planet's pressing environmental needs.
Other jobs I've wistfully considered recently: fisheries management, fishery observer, fish canning, the national park service, being a lawyer, being a maid, being a lab tech.
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What's your oceanic story, chick?
eta: Self, did you just call a story where Dean eats magicked whale meat and becomes a whale himself . . . realistic? O fandom, what have you done to me?
And yup. VERY realistic, yo. :D
But my grandparents are from Hawaii, and my grandfather was a longshoreman, so it's a thing, I guess. And on my father's side, they're all ocean kayakers, basically, so there's that. I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, so I was blessed with many trips to shoreline camp and the best aquarium in the world! <3 I ended up going to college in San Diego, so I minored in biology and in science writing, and my best friend/roommate majored in biology and worked as a research assistant in a shark lab, so it's a long-running trend. :DD
Almost every day I wonder why I moved to the Midwest to pursue a graduate degree in literature. :\
But hee, I'm glad you appreciated the biology that went into that story! It was one of my favorite things about writing it. Because eh, I'm not big on anthropomorphy of animals, since the best part about them is their animality, you know? So I wanted to keep as much of that as I could.
my coworker's son just got a great white shark adopted in his name as a birthday gift from a rich friend. SO JEALOUS.
(no offense to your dad!)
Is there a character you deeply identify with? What over?
Is there part of yourself you haven't found many or any characters to identify with over?
If you could move in the SPN world (with or without powers or skills, idk!) is there something you'd like to do?
If you were a Disney Princes, who would you be or want to be?
If I were a Disney princess... hm. Nala, from The Lion King. She was one of my heroes growing up--my bff and I used to play "Nala and Nala" and play-act being lions.
If I could visit the SPN world, I think I'd limit my time there, because I feel like the civilian lifespan isn't super great, uh. XD But I'd love to see a ghost, or a death echo. And I'd want to run my hands down the chassis of that pretty pretty car. And um, I'd like to know what possessing someone felt like, and if it felt anything like writing fic does.
I LOVE your things to do in the SPN universe <3
Possession is so interesting in regards to fic writing. I find it to be perhaps more mutual. You reminded me Iwas trying to write this fic about Dean communicating with Sam in The Cage through a fic writer, that she could experience on her body some of the things Sam could, and she could get into his self like writers sometimes do - there may or may not have been a thing there about taking back possession from Lucifer
For me I think the mutuality of POVs varies by character. Like, there's Meg, who's like SURE DO WHATEVER YOU WANT. But then there's Dean, where writing him feels primarily like trailing behind him, attempting to capture something that won't keep still--either that or it's me just being like, okay Dean you know what we're gonna do? You're gonna sit the fuck down and you're going to do whatever I want you to do, jfc. XP I suspect this is why my Dean fic never tends to really do anything, and consists primarily of Dean wandering around, either literally or mentally ( ... )
(The comment has been removed)
Alas I'm not sure I have very many feelings about giant prehistoric animals, because I like to see things in motion to know if I like how they move or not, and for the prehistoric ones we never got that chance! XD
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