Title: Peanuts
Genre: character study, hurt/comfort (hurt!Dean, some hurt!Sam), pre-series/Stanford!era
Characters: Sam, Dean, Jess, OCs (Stanford friends)
Rating: PG-13 for a lot of alcoholic slander
Word Count: 4600 or so
Summary: Sam's Stanford pals start trading life stories. Sam's just not sure what his is--at least until he gets a taste of
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Comments 78
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Awww. <3 I haven't listened to that much Led Zeppelin (just the Physical Graffiti album, Stairway to Heaven, and whatever's been played on Show) but they are lovely.
Thank you for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed. :)
The last scene with the popsicles was so great. Dean shoving Sam and then giving him the rest of his popsicle, like it was his plan all along, but really I just know how second-nature it is for him to take care of Sam. ♥
I'm personally a fan of the popsicle scene, too! I was trying to decide whether it fit, because it was so much further in the past than the other flashbacks, and just kind of dangling at the end there, but I was just like. No, I want this here. So I'm glad it worked for you.
Thank you for reading!
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