This is my life

Jun 06, 2011 16:15

I haven't given LJ a decent update all semester, so here goes:

-Anime Boston was over Easter weekend, and it was fabulous. This is the first con I have ever been to where I felt that my cosplays didn't look half-assed, so I was super-excited about that. I was also wearing pretty much nothing, so that was fun! A little old lady called me a whore outside of the cheesecake factory on Saturday! Oh, and Hannah, Chelsea, and I got interviewed by a cosplay documentary when I was wearing my Mistress outfit, and I told them about my first Ohayocon, which I attended by going to a youth rally with dad's crazy religious group, so I sounded like Daddy Issue Central. Not that I don't have Daddy Issues, but I don't *think* I'm quite to the becoming-a-stripper point.
Benny from Black Lagoon, alongside Beth as Revy and Yiwan as Sawyer. Benny may best be describe as "Wash from Firefly".
Fem!Kamina from Gurren Lagann, alongside Yiwan as Fem!Simon and Beth as Fem!Viral. Sorry, I haven't posted the pics yet, but we were surprisingly fabulous.
The Mistress from Oglaf, alongside Chelsea as Ivan, Yiwan as The Snow Queen, and Hannah as The Lesbian Mercenary. (Oglaf is NSFW.)

Oooh, and the woman from The Devil's Panties was so excited about our Oglaf cosplay that she took our pictures and then PUT US IN A COMIC.
Definitely my best cosplay set ever.

  • Invasion Ecology was a disaster, mostly because of a loud contingent of students who had no concept whatsoever of how science worked, so that was disappointing.
  • European Dynasties in the Age of the Sun King was good, especially as it culminated in writing a paper on how Louis XIV restored France's Honor. I WISH I WAS JOKING.
  • I read all my novels for Victorian Lit (except for Mill on the Floss, but nobody ever actually reads that one.)
  • Cell Bio was a nightmare, especially the lab, but I wrote the longest, most critical lab evaluation of my life for it! Oh, and it turns out that Cell Bio has not had a steady professor twice for SEVEN YEARS. That's right, kids. It's Defense Against the Dark Arts. And, as I am, in fact, Harry Potter (this is a long story), it's apparently my duty to go find the guy who cursed it. 'Cause we can't just, y'know, drop it as a requirement.
-I generally had a rollicking good time this semester.

-Texts From the Fire Nation is now a tumblr that is in no way, shape, or form connected to my real name, so you can link it on facebook safely!

-Caught up on Naruto. Kishimoto really wants this relationship between me and his fandom to work. Maybe the Hyuugas and I can be in an open relationship? I think they would really like Azula.

-I, uh, well, I graduated this May. The weekend was exhausting and good and surreal. The ceremony itself was really nice. We had some really amazing speakers, and Lynn (the new president) hugged every single student instead of shaking their hands. So... um... I have a B.A. now and I'm no longer putting myself in debt every half year not allowed back to Mount Holyoke.

-About that whole future thing. Well, in the most vicious soul-crushing defeat of my otherwise-successful life, I didn't get into grad school. I don't think I would be so raw about the issue if not for the sweat, blood, and tears-literal tears- that I poured into a losing endeavor. So, yeah. That's all I have to say about that.
The new plan (which, objectively is better) is Boston. Hannah and I are rooming together. We already have an apartment. I'm in Marietta until the end of June, and then...

--Well, I still don't have a job. I had an interview for a research assistant position over Dead Week, but I got the impression that they weren't too impressed with me. I don't officially hear back until end of the month, though. I've been applying for other research-assistant jobs, but nobody has contacted me. I was a really good student. For 16+ years, I was a really good student. But now I'm part of the real world, and I have no appeal as an employee. So there's that to worry about.

--Oh, and all my Mohos got together at points before graduation and we've all realized that real friends aren't something you make in the real world. That's OK. I have a decent posse of friends. I'm more worried about starving to death and being kicked out of my house.

As to the month at home, it's really just giving me time to stew and get worried, if you can't tell.

-My little brother graduated high school the week after me. There were THREE prayers during the ceremony. THREE. It's a PUBLIC school. I felt like I was in church. Other than that, though, good. The new principle seems a lot more friendly than the guy I dissed in my valedictorian speech four years ago. Of course, it might be an act for the parents, but at least he bothered to act. Also, mom and I made him a 4-layer chocolate cake with lemon filling.

-MY FATHER IS LEAVING HIS CRAZY CHURCH!! He listened to me a little! It is SO much easier to be around him now. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's as abrasive as ever, but things are still improving.

-Oh, and this may seem a little obvious to everyone, but I've finally realized why I start hating relationships more over break! It's because I'm reminded of how horribly wrong marriages go by my parents. Brad summed it up really nicely for me while we were catching up last week: "Your parents take the cake for worst relationship ever. They're both simultaneously the victim and the abuser in this horrible soul-sucking mutually parasitic clusterfuck" (this might not be a direct quote, but it's close). I finally convinced Mom that she can never, ever marry my father again, and I think this time it stuck. She's trying to find a job, instead.

Still, I stand by my assessment: marriage is the stupidest thing a straight girl can possibly aspire to, (It is slightly less stupid for homosexuals because at least you're sticking it to The Man by getting married) and if "have a relationship" is the top of your bucket list, please look at your life and look at your choices. Did you know you can make a vibrator out of an electric toothbrush?

-Brad made it out to Marietta, I mentioned in my above rant. We had a good old fashioned writing session. I miss him like burning.

-Hung out with Steph W and Ems. We had a picnic and watched Tangled. It was good times.

-Mom and I went to a Victorian Home/Garden show in Historic Parkersburg on Sunday. I wish I was cool enough to have the floorplan of this house we toured memorized, because I want it on the Sims and I want it now. Also, a garden. Just, a home that I can play with, really. But since I'm looking at unemployment and barely meeting my rent/loan payments from now until I die, I think Sims is the best I can do.

That's all. I'm doing better than I sound. In this kind of situation, meloncholy and exaggerated fears are really my only coping mechanisms.


toast, the singles scene, special occasion, school, real-life adventures charlie, cosplay love, emo!kallie disapproves, rambling, i hate oh

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