May 19, 2010 06:41

My blog is up-to-date. Finally. Just in time for me to go more places, take more pictures, and not have time to share them with my parents.

Only this week and next week left of class. One test, one poster, and one lab report to turn in. Then 4 exams. I'm trying to fill my spare time up with as much traveling as much as possible.

>5 weeks until I go home. 14 weeks until I go back to MoHo.

Which brings me to what I think about when I'm trying not to dwell on how far away my plane ride to the US is:
THEME NIGHTS!!!Some of you may remember the success of P-Night, when Hannah, Marissa and I roamed North Hampton looking for things that start with P.
More likely, you will remember that every year I vow to get out and do more things, and fail every year.

So, to motivate us to get out there and do things, I suggest we have more nights like P Night.
Any ideas from you?
More letter themes, color themes, movie/TV/Book/Media/Fandom-related themes (Disney night? Musical night? Spock's Mom night? Harry Potter Night?), Special Interest Nights, ANYTHING WE CAN THINK UP!!!

So comment (or, if you're a lurker and you know who you are, email) with your ideas! Themes and activities around the Valley to go with them!

We especially need activity ideas, so comment with everything you want to but don't have an excuse for and we'll match them to a theme!

I'll be keeping the list here!

1) Various nights themed around movies that Hannah and I have been meaning to watch, including Teeth and British TV shows (see #9).

2) Kung Fu Night- ramen, a ninja battle in the park(?), other kung-fu activities To Be Decided, then kung fu marathon back at school.

3) Nostalgia Night- do all the things we loved as kids (TBD) , then watch old TV shows from our misguided youth

4) Loitering Night: Go to the mall, window shop, and buy absolutely nothing. Possibly wearing grungy hoodies.

5) Awkward Night: clubbing. that's plenty.

6) Bodice-Ripper Night: Dress as a comely maiden with a heaving bosom, or a handsome man with a brooding gaze. We'll go to bookstores and read some harlequin romances, then onto the sex shop and other bodice-ripping activities

7) COSPLAY NIGHT (aka the Amazing Candid Photoshoot Opportunity Night) We go do fun things (TBD) in our best cosplays, and beautiful pictures will be scattered throughout the blogosphere

8) Hufflepuff  2011 Night: Us seniors celebrate our Hogwarts MHC pride by wearing our yellowest outfits and doing yellow/gold/sphinx/badger things (TBD). The night will culminate in us drunkenly knocking on Slytherin's door and running. Or possibly kidnaping the new Gryffindors... or drunk-dialing the old Gryffindors if the newbies prove to be not cool.

9) Owl Stretching Night: We ride everywhere on our faithful steeds (provided by coconuts... or clapping), play Scotsman Tennis against blanchmanges (?), learn Not To Be Seen, sing the Lumber Jack Song around town, compete for Twit of the Year, find the Holy Grail by going to pottery & housewares shops. And then the oral sex.

10) Hyuuga Night: Will be sponsored by the letter H. I will think on this and announce my final activity cut. We may or may not steal a baby and curse it.

11) Invertebrate Night: Activity list will be discussed and finalized by the survivors. Proceeds from Invert Night will go to the  roommates of the victims of the Hirudinea Disaster of '09.

12) Zelda Night: We put on some green and go on a quest to find something representitive of light, forest, fire, water, shadow, and spirit. Then we get a shiny sword and save the world. I'll work that into the plan. (I'm a big fan of scavanger hunts.)

kallie down under, interesing stuff to do, wishlist, rambling

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