And I've fallen behind...again!

Aug 27, 2011 16:27

It's been a busy couple of weeks!  Last week I took a long weekend and went to Grayland, WA (on the coast) for a friend's wedding.  I decided that since i was going to head out that way, I might as well make it a long weekend (which I *so* badly needed).

I spent the weekend at a motel (think the Bates Motel, but with much more pleasant managers).  The up side?  It was $100/night and was right on the beach.  Oh, and it had a cool kind of jacuzzi tub.

The wedding went of well, and I had a lot of spare time to sit on the beach, swim, and visit a local arts festival.  And get sunburned.  Ugh.  My back is STILL itching.  This is one of the few times I wish I had a significant other - so that someone would be able to spread lotion on my back.  It's been driving me crazy, and it's been over a week now!!

Then it was back to work on Monday, and back into the stress.  We're being audited and I have been pulling tons and tons of paperwork and copying it for the accountants.  In the meantime, my "regular" work is not getting done.  I know I should stay late and just get it done, but I don't want to!!  I did make it through the week though, and the accountant says that he thinks things went fairly well.  There's just one issue they are having with our non-billable expenses, and he's hopeful he can sell the agent on why the amounts are what they are.

So, this weekend I'm staying home and enjoying my two days, still trying to get through S2 of Glee, and getting caught up on Torchwood.  And then I discovered the Doctor Who marathon, followed by New Who, which made me happy.  I had no idea it was coming along so quickly.

I hope everyone else is enjoying their weekends, too.  Oh, and there's no way I'm going to be able to go back and get through all the posts I missed.  I made a try at it (probably got the last 2 or 3 days) but if you've posted something you think I might be interested in, just let me know.
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