An interesting experiment

Jun 14, 2009 14:44

I hate that when I google "thai girl blog" and "asian girl blog" it just comes up as porn. I'm looking for photographs of asian girls for character ideas and references and man, there is so much asian porn online its just annoying :P I just googled "english girl blog" and real blogs about the everyday lives of English girls turned up. Its pretty shit that word asian, usually referring to eastern asians, has such a link to pornography, while other ethnicities don't seem to. I'm not sure if ethnicities is the right word, but you know what I mean. Its like, if you wanted porn of big chested white women, you'd actually have to search "big chested women" or something, but you want something like a reference picture or a photo blog of a Japanese girl, chances are you're going to get several links to pornography.

This started out as a quick update about how annoying it was to get loads of porn thrown at me, but instead it turned into quite a mission, so I've cut it

These are the first website that pop up on google when I search for these paticular phrases:

- Asian girl: (pornography)
- White girl: (a BBC documentary about a white girl living in a Muslim community)
- Black girl: (a directory linking sites about the lives black women in America)

I think that essentially proves my point. Lets get more detailed this time shall we?

- Pakistani girl: (a photography blog promoting and celebrating the beauty of Pakistani women, whilst being fully clothed)
- English girl: a link to a youtube video of the song "Because I'm a girl (english version)" by Kiss O.o
- Japanese girl: More youtube videos, about a woman in a gym, and also not far below, a video about a woman getting an arse massage.
- Kenyan girl: (a website with a list of Kenyan baby names)
- Thai girl: (a website promoting a gogo bar in Thailand)
- Swedish girl: more youtube videos, apparently comparing Korean women and Swedish women against one another
- Mexican girl: Lyrics and videos to the song of the same name ¬_¬
- Canadian girl: (a website about a Canadian woman who now lives in England)
- American girl: (a website about dolls of some kind O.o)
and finally
- Korean girl: (a website full of pictures of Korean women)

Now don't get me wrong, I personally don't have any issue with pornography as long as its safe, made with full consent and most of all, kept personal. What people look is their own business, and one I'm not interested in. I am interested in why it seems to be oriental women that get a pornography link to them. Granted, the Swedish also got a some what sexual tone, and I suppose I should have expected that. The blonde Swedish bombshell is another popular fetish.

Now, I have the moderate block on my google search so I want to see what happens when I google the same 3 phrases from the beginning into a strict block google, to see what pops up.

- Asian girl: (a link to a video I didn't click but according to the little blurb it includes "breast massage - tits massage japanese tit massage". Charming.)
- White girl: Same
- Black girl: Same

Ooookay... so a fully blocked, child friendly google comes up with a video about a tit massage for its number one. I feel sorry for any young asian girl that wants to find kindred spirits online.

I tried it with no filters and it came up with the original three results. I have to be honest, I was expecting more graphic websites for all three searches.

So there we have it. The internet sterotype, as well as lets be honest, the world wide stereotype towards asian women. I understand that the asian fetish is a very popular one, and again like I've said, I don't have problems with fetishes or porn as long as they're safe, and I also understand that the internet is largely made up of pornography, but I just find it pathetic that you can't search as something as harmless as the words "asian girl" without getting porn thrown at you.

This started off as a quick update, but I'm quite glad I did this. It really has opened my eyes.

This is why I'm grateful for LJ - if you want to find a community here, for photos or what not, chances are you're going to find it.

I hope you found this as interesting as I did

I really should start cleaning the house

opinions, sex, feminism, rant, internet

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