The history of a blind wolf character of mine, Ai.
Ai was born in the foreign lands of France, the only pup to her sire and dame, Prongs and Kiel. They knew as soon as she opened her eyes that she was blind, and they also sensed something special about her… thusly, they decided to appropriately name her “Ai”, and as they always told her “Ai, my dear… ‘love is blind’.”
Ai grew up within the pack that her parents were in, always treated well, and with respect. She loved her lands, but as she grew older, she began to hear a calling… to go out into the world. To heal people’s hurts. It was a curious thing, but her parents, whom had seen this special talent within her weeks after her birthing day assented to letting her go.
Ai traveled far and wide, encountering many hardships on her journey as a blind wolf. Many tried to take advantage of her after she left the safety that her pack had always provided her with. She was suddenly left without any shelter, but she pushed on, becoming experienced on her own, although things were hard.
Ai eventually came to the lands of S’yeldon. Here she met many a wolf, and became close to one in particular, a brute named Demon. Demon had a soul wounded by love, and she grew closer to him in every moment, working through his pain, as was her calling. She was a healer of mortal wound and of soul, and this was what she did best. Her love truly was blind.
The pack of S’yeldon eventually broke up, and Ai lost contact with Demon, one that she cared for very much. She followed his scent for weeks, successful tracking him to a new pack, the pack he led at Toxicity. Their reunion was a joyous one, and she realized that he had sunk even further into his depression, now known by the name of Tainted. She remained close to Tainted, and the two fell into a deep love, a friendship that could never be broken.
However, a sickness descended on the lands of Toxicity, and many of the wolves that lived there died. Ai also contracted the sickness, and for many months she remained on her own, fighting the disease with the healer’s knowledge that she had. Most perished, but when Ai emerged from the torment of disease, triumphant, none found her except Tainted.
He had been the only survivor. Ai feared for his safety when he came near her, lest he catch the disease as well, but he assured her that he would not, because of a pendant that he wore around his neck. He claimed that this pendant granted immunity to disease, and even to death itself.
Ai was skeptical, even fearful of this object, but Tainted insisted that she take one herself, and to this day she still wears his gift to her.
Tainted and Ai lived happily for a while on the lands of Toxicity. Wolves began to return to the territory once the stench of vile sickness and death and blown off into the wind, and things returned to normal.
However, history must always repeat itself. Once again, the plague returned to the lands. This time, Ai was able to ward it off, being immune to it this time, due to her extensive sickness before.
Tainted was not as lucky. When Ai emerged from her den this time around, she found that the only wolf that had survived this round of torment was a new joiner, Alcyone. Alcyone told Ai of this horrid news, and she collapsed into tears at her feet, her heart at its breaking point. Ai, the lover, had never felt so much pain in her life.
Ai left Alcyone to be alpha of Toxicity, and journeyed for days, weeks, months… tormented by her lose, but searching for a new life, a new person to heal, a new purpose.