As of yesterday I am officially 3 years off 30. Woo Hoo!!! It will take me that long to plan my 30th Birthday party. (Bwahhahaaa!!!!!)
Numph and Druid gave me a Legolas Card as I had the Aragorn one last year (yay!), beads because I'm makeing stuff to sell at events, a camp fire compleat with cook pot, for I am the camp cook lol and an earthwear tankard that holds exactly 1 pint of tea, this make me very happy - and wee alot.
Mam and Dad bought me smelly's, Mmmm Vanilla... and a sewing case with assorted cottons, which will come in handy for sewing dresses together.
Salyavin 's birthday card arrived (Shock Horror), see Preston postal service likes me! :-) And he called too.
Sammijmb sent me a txt, cheers hon. :-)
And my friend Hannah called from London, typically I was out with Mam and Dad so I didn't get to talk to her.
There was ment to be a party at a friends house yesterday, but we canclled as he is up to his neck in getting kit ready for his store and I really was not in the mood, plus Mam and Dad wanted to take me out for a meal, ordered the buggest dessert on the menu, Cadburys Candy Mainia, which comsisted of umpteen Cadbury chocolets and Icecream and fudge cake... good thing we shaired that. Decided it was best to leave Mam's tripple chocolet cake untill tonight. Subjected them to 4 hours of LOTR: ROTK Special Ed Bwahhahaaaa!!!!!!!