May 11, 2006 09:33
just had a pretty good phone interview with Basic Rights Oregon. bragged like whoah about Eli. my feelings about internships are always so mixed. my initial reaction is always "i'm scared to start this job. i sound good on paper but once i get there i'll make a fool out of myself. they'll realize my writing sucks, i don't know how to use commas, and i'll just generally be embarrassed." this is how i feel heading into to every job i've ever had. BUT THEN. what actually happens is that I end up bored out of my mind. there is NEVER enough work and I end up having to create all these strategies to look busy, all the while resenting the fact that I am being underemployed. really, this is just my frustration about last summer surfacing. i didn't feel that way working at Oregon Council for the Humanities or at either of my jobs at Smith.... but damn you campaign office of earl blumenauer, you wasted my time for a whole summer! so, i'm hoping this summer is better. the hard part is that i know i'm going to get several offers, and then i have to choose, and if i choose wrong like last summer I will regret for months and months like I am doing now. but at least i'll have one more notch on the old resume, even if it's a bit hollow.
the one interview question that i always trip up on is "what are you hoping to learn during an internship with us." sounds easy enough, right? NO all i want to say is "duh, I'm hoping you'll teach me to be a cool non-profit person. ya know, lots of cool non-profity things..." seriously, if i already knew exactly what I wanted to learn i'd just teach myself by reading books or going online. i just want a good experience. i want to learn how to make all trans people feel safe and respected and empowered. i want to learn how to get this country to honor all people. i want to learn how to find myself. i want to learn what "having a career" is like and how you find one. and so i don't know. i said some lame sounding bullshit about learning how to integrate community outreach with political lobbying and learning the general day to day management of a nonprofit. blah blah blah.
in other news. i feel pretty sick and i have lots of work to do. at least i get to go to portland this weekend. and i get to get my haircut FINALLY. but i can't go to the gorge with Meg and Ben which makes me sad.