May 10, 2006 12:53
Nick was adorably spotaneous last night. at 10pm he decided he couldn't live without a Brownie Sundae from Ruby Tuesday, so he got dressed and drove there and ordered one to go... it was awesome. he came back with this delicacy packaged in a strange to-go container, complete with a plastic fork and spoon that were useless on the thick ice cream and dense brownie. we had a little late night picnic in our den. and then i went to bed. the brownie was yummy and my boyfriend is yummy.
i have phone interviews with the Portland ACLU office and Basic Rights Oregon this week. i convinced both of them to consider me as an intern or volunteer even though I will not be in portland for the "3-month commitment" that they require. we'll see what happens.
i got an unexpected call from Sara today. she was all finished with classes at Ithaca and wanted to chat. it was lovely. i'm looking forward to spending some time with her in portland this summer. she's changed a lot, but fundamentally she's still the vivacious sara i know and love. i'm trying to convince sara and meg and other folks returning to portland soon that they have to come visit me in corvallis. i have this amazing apartment and only 5 more weeks to show it off to people. i feel like this year at OSU has been incredibly good for me, and I want to share that with people before it's over! although I did have a little self-doubt moment earlier this week when I thought about things I didn't do because i'm at OSU. i didn't live abroad. i didn't apply for a fellowship. i didn't get to spend time with jess and jill and everyone else who was at smith this year. i didn't get to know any of my smith professors any better. i didn't get to be close to eli. and i don't have a full summer to do something incredibly cool (nor do I have the money this summer to do something incredibly cool). none of these things really bother me specifically, especially when I count up all the things I have got to do instead (the list is too long and wonderful to type out), but still it's hard to hear how Megan Hoarfrost is going to Uganda and Gabby's getting paid to do research. and Nina. well damn rich-old-one-dimensional nina who gets opportunities that i can only dream of... she's going to Europe and Africa and I'm jealous.
i'm also just freaking out about what to do after smith, and those feelings of doubt and confusion are seeping into lots of different thoughts, including my feelings about what i'm doing this summer. which is why i hope i can work something out with the ACLU.
best thing about this summer: going to san fran with Eli and mom. can't wait