1. How far have you read in Oofuri? (this is important so anyone reading your answers knows whether spoilers may exist!)
Manga: Uhh the latest chapter...
Anime: Episode 25, 24/25 raw
I want more ;_;
2. What made you decide to start reading/watching Oofuri?
Hahah when I saw [info]rukawagf 's pimping post. IT WAS FRIGGIN FILLED WITH BL! HOW CAN I NOT ;_;
3. Of what you've seen so far, what's the best scene in the series?
This is really hard!! Hmmm... when Tajima was gonna tan naked :DDDD It'll have to be when Abe was holding Mihashi's hand!!!
4. Who is your favorite character? Why?
TAJIMA!!! Strictly >3 He's cute. No shame whatsoever. An idiot. Talented. Happy and enthusiastic :D. Funny, he makes me laugh so hard. Drapes/hang/jumps on people. I love him.
5. Are there other characters you love? What do you love about them?
Hahah Abe!!! He's so sweet and cares for Mihashi *swoon* I love Mihashi too! S-so damn cute, I usually don't the crying type but I dunno how I find it adorable when Mihashi does it and he's so hard working. Hanai! Coz he's a dork. Haruna since he's sexy an ass. Hamada lol the cheerleader. Izumi cute cute and always catches my attention. Riou♥- Ahh I LOVE mostly everyone XDDDD
6. What's your favorite pairing? Why? (it's OK to just say CUZ IT'S HOTTTTT)
Tajima/Izumi! I LIKE CRACK! Tajima/MihashiAbeMihashi!!! It's love ♥ Their relationship is soooo interesting and canon provides heaps of hints to fill my imagination *w*
7. Are there other pairings you'd like to recommend?
Haruna/Abe, Hanai/Tajima, Hamada/Izumi, Mizutani/Sakaeguchi, Tajima/Haruna... x_x ALL OF THEM ARE GOOD!
8. Which of the teams has the best pitcher/catcher relationship?
Nishiura!!! Mihashi and TajimaAbe. Tosei comes so damn cloooose though with their married couple, Junta and Kazu!
9. Of all of the pitchers in the series so far, which is your favorite?
Ah! Tough ><;;; I guess Haruna wins the favourite by a bit.
10. Of all of the catchers in the series so far, which is your favorite?
ABE *w* hahah Riou too but he hasn't played as a catcher officially hahah
11. And infielders/outfielders?
12. Do you have a favorite coach?
Momoe! She's so freaking awesome. B-BOOBS!
13. Who do you think is the best batter out of all of the characters you've seen so far?
Tajima!!! It's true and I am not biased :D
14. What would be the ultimate "dream team", based on the characters you've seen so far? (9 players, they have to be assigned positions but you can move ppl around from their normal position if you need to because it's hotter or something)
They're good as they are! Just too lazy to think
15. Which character(s) would you want to have as an older brother?
Hehe, older brother... Hanai!!! or Hamada just for the kicks rofl
16. Which character(s) would you want to have as a younger brother?
Ahhh! >< Kanou....
17. Which mom would you like to have as your own mom?
Hanai's mom 8D
18. Which character(s) do you think you'd be good friends with?
Sakaeguchi >3 He's nice! And Hamada! And maybe Tajima lol
19. Which characters do you think you'd have an argument with?
Ummm probably Abe.
20. Which character(s) would you like to have as your team captain?
Tajima! Hanai.
21. Which character would you want for your boyfriend/girlfriend?
I want Tajima or Haruna...
22. Which character would you expect to have a secret crush on you (not the same as the boyfriend question)?
Lol sakaeguchi? s-so cute
23. If you were dating that person from the earlier question there, which character would be jealous of you?
Mizuuutani of course
24. Which character would be the best to have around in the event of armageddon? Why?
Tajima! Because it would be so freaking fun!
25. Which character from Oofuri would you think might end up with the nickname "Sparky"?
Hahaha ._. Tajima was my first thought.
26. Of all the male characters, which one is most likely to be wearing women's underpance on any given day?
Hahahh Mihashi xDD
27. Which character probably has a pop idol poster on their bedroom wall or on the inside closet door and kisses it every day before leaving for school?
Hanai Sakaeguchi!!
28. If doing the shopping for his/her parents, which character is most likely to return with nothing but products that are orange?
Why am I thinking of Mihashi >_> but it's totally Momoe!
29. Which character(s) is most likely to be transported to an alternate dimension because he/she is the only one with the power to save the universe? Describe his/her magical girl outfit.