Mar 19, 2008 16:22
Oh boy, I feel like I've fallen off the earth. It's been a long time since I posted, but I promise, I've been keeping up with you guys. It just seems to be a lot easier to read about everyone else than to post about myself because there really isn't a lot going on. But things have happened so I'll just post about them.
On March 7th I went on early maternity leave. I started feeling funny and took my BP at work. It was pretty high, 140 something over 94. My OB told me if the bottom number is over 90 than there will be cause for concern and I need to go in. So I went in and they checked my BP again. It was 160 something over 100 something. Ugh. I also felt like crap and the headache I had from the day before wasn't going away. So, the doc said to do bloodwork and to go to Labor and Delivery to be monitored.
So I called Jason and we went to L&D. I spent about 3 hours being monitored laying down on my left side. The great thing was that my BP went down dramatically. And the longer I stayed in the bed the better my BP got. The blood tests came back pre-e free so they sent me home on bedrest for the rest of the pregnancy.
And so here I am. Bored out of my skull, enjoying the time away from my job, but missing contact with actual people. I can get out but I can't really do much or for very long. My feet swell to ridiculous proportions if I'm on them for more than an hour or two. So my trips to Wal-Mart have been interesting in their little motorized carts. At first I was against using them because I'm not disabled and there isn't always one available...but then after about 20 minutes of walking around I couldn't see the difference between my calf and ankle. And then 20 minutes after that my ankles spread out fatter than my ankles. My feet don't fit into any of my shoes so I bought some cheapo slip ons that are so not me...I've given up fashion until I pop out this kid.
Officially, I have 3 weeks and 3 days left until the due date. But every morning I wake up hoping Miles decides to come just a little early. But so far nada. No mucus plug, no regular or hard contractions, not even dropping. Well, maybe he's dropped a little, but I think he's got a ways to go. I'm so tired of being pregnant. We bought a new mattress so I'm definitely more comfortable there, but car rides, sitting on the couch, even showers are miserable. I don't care how or when at this point, but I hope it's soon, I need to have this baby. Tomorrow is my 36-37 week appointment and the second one since they told me to stop working, and I know that everything is going to go fine, but part of me is wishing harder than anything that he does a check and finds that I'm at 3 and ready to go any minute.
Well, that's it. That's all the complaining and whining I'll do for now. Hope everyone is doing great.