10 weeks to go!

Feb 04, 2008 11:40

Boy, it's been a long, long pregnancy. I know it's customary for women to be bored with pregnancy by this point, and totally normal to want this bebe out...but seriously...10 more weeks? For the last two months I've been living for each of my appointments. Thank goodness I'll be going every two weeks now. I think the frequent visits will keep me occupied and reassured that the end is indeed near.

I know it sounds really terrible, but I don't like being pregnant. Some people call pregnancy a gift from God, and an unforgettable time in your life, but who wouldn't forget randomly leaking, realizing I can't see my feet anymore, suffering through random aches and pains, and being unable to tie my own shoes or sleep. Not to mention I don't get many pregnancy perks, such as random food runs or back rubs. My fiance, while caring and sweet, would rather surprise me with a nice shirt or video game before doting on me. I can live with it. But I sure could use a massage.

So, I haven't posted any new belly pictures in a few weeks. I've been lucky enough not to have any stretch marks yet, but then again I still have 10 more weeks. Anything can happen at this point. Also, the linea nigra on my belly is getting darker. But it looks retarded because above my belly button the line goes straight to my belly button, but under the belly button it goes off to the left. Check it out.

Well, I should get back to work. It's not been a bad day, but I slept like crap last night so it's not nearly as good as it could be. Hope you guys are having a great day.

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