Dec 10, 2009 20:24
Been a loooong week.
The move went alright, though trying to fit a king single sized bed into the back of a station wagon was not an experience i want to repeat... Had to push the drivers seat all the way forward, then drive i one hell of an awkward possie over to the new place. shudder.
In the end, shifted all the stuff fine, but there hasn't been a day since where i haven't had to do housing related stuff involving me heading out somewhere. Drop off inspection report, pester estate agents, research elec companies on net at parentals (since we're currently netless), stuff like that. Eagerly awaiting a day where I can stay in for a change!
Hopefully I'll be able to shift over the washing machine, a bookcase and some shelves over there tomorrow. Once the nets get connected again (fri or mon) all the major stuff should be out of the way at last.