Mar 03, 2011 20:41
From what I understand, thanks to a link Wes posted on Facebook, tomorrow is the day to Unplug from Technology (is it a National Day, Wes?) - the idea being to spend a day not using modern technology (and I think they mainly mean electronics like TV, computer, cell phones, etc.) as much as possible. It's a drive to get folks to interact in person (gasp!) or do something together, rather than texting/e-mailing/etc. Of course, there are limits to how practical that can be - some folks (one I'm married to, in fact) MUST use technology as part of their work. But the general idea is to look for alternatives when you have a choice, I guess. Anyhow, where I jumped the gun is in the desire I felt this afternoon to SHUT THINGS OFF. No TV droning away. No computer. (Obviously, I'm "over it" at the No radio. No manufactured sounds other than the hums of refrigerator and cat water fountain. It was so nice... Granted, I don't want days on end like this, but I did enjoy the respite.
I began reading A People Apart; The Jews In Europe 1789-1939, by David Vital. This is Serious Reading. How do I know it is, aside from the title of course? It's a 900-page book, and I'm not sure I'll read the whole thing, but it had caught my eye a couple of weeks ago at the library, so I'm taking a peek into the pages. It has held my interest so far... we'll see how it goes. I go through moods in my reading choices; lately it's mostly been Fun/Silly/Frivolous stuff, but I do love history...
I was looking at the calendar as I flipped the page over to March; this particular calendar lists all sorts of days - holidays, moon phases, etc. I noticed March 20th is French-language day, apparently for lovers of the French language. I just may try to journal in French that day... you've been warned. (Gosh, I hope I don't fall on my face, grammatically...).
The following may smack of a rant, so buckle up: Are you as sick of hearing about and seeing the train-wreck that is Charlie Sheen's life right now as I am? Don't get me wrong - I pray for him and firmly believe he is of infinite value to God, as are each of us. But come on - he's getting paid unseemly amounts of money to pretend to be someone else; what he DOES is not important, and does NOT warrant the excessive coverage on the "news" channels when compared to the lack/minimal coverage of real news. What prompted this uncharacteristic venting? The relative length of reporting on his issues/life/problems compared to the reports on the shootings and deaths of U.S. soldiers at the Frankfurt Airport yesterday. Let me just say, I know more than I ever wanted to about Mr. Sheen. I wish him well, sincerely, but I would much rather hear about the lives of those who were killed simply going about their duties in the service of our country. Not as glamorous or salacious, I know, but Real.
Graysi and Arielle are enjoying the sunshine we've had here lately. It's been cold, but the sun warms the floors by the windows and both girls have been seen basking near them. I'm happy to report that Graysi is doing better, it seems; at least she's fairly stable and perkier, and I believe has put on some weight. Her fur is shiny again, there's a little more flesh over her spine (it was getting pretty bony there) and she is eating well. Thank you for your prayers, and please keep 'em up!