Feb 24, 2011 21:12
It's been a simple day of routine life here: laundry (whittling down those piles, yay!), knitting, kitty-girl cuddling, and dvd watching. Doesn't make for riveting blog-fodder, but it's the mortar in the brick wall of building a life together. On days like this, I sometimes wonder what I really have to write about; it's just ordinariness, after all, and you all live it as well. Is it really that interesting to you to know that I spent a silly amount of time trying to find the mates to some orphaned socks in my drawer? Or debated (really!) whether certain "Necessary Foundational Garments" (to be known from here on out as NFGs) were past their prime and should be tossed, or worth perhaps a simple repair to eke more usefulness out of them... No, I will not clarify which NFGs I mean... there are two types you know, but I don't want to load your head with too many visuals.
While we're talking about mundane things, do you darn? Socks, I mean. Or repair them in whatever fashion you deem necessary? And I should make it clear I mean store-bought socks, not handmade - those for sure I would darn, if I had any needing fixin'. But some of my most favorite socks got a little tear in the seam at the toe, probably from jamming into too-tight clog-type shoes; I should think I can simply sew them to fix 'em, probably not even necessary to do an all-out darning job on them. On the other hand, they're just store-bought, and it's not like I'm suffering a dearth of socks.
See what happens on a simple day? The mind wanders...