2 Weeks of Breakfast: Day 11. Kaiserschmarrn with Dried Apricots

Mar 05, 2011 11:20

Kaiser-what? I looked it up. Wikipedia insists this really is a dessert. A pancake, for that matter, and a thick one at that. Well, I had this recipe saved as a breakfast one - albeit sweet, indeed. And, as I mentioned a few days earlier, it's MASLENNITSA this week, so pancakes just fit. Just if you're curious, "kaiser" means "emperor" (I sense Cesar is from the same family... kaiser, cesar... see?) and "schmarrn" is "mishmash" in Austrian German.

I got bored with wikipedia so can't tell you what emperor has to do with this breakfast dessert. Or dessert breakfast. But mishmash it is - for this 'pancake' gets torn into pieces.

Don't try this on a regular morning. And don't try this while everyone's sleeping - unless you wanna wake them up: you'll be operating a mixer. But it really is a simple recipe.


english blog, Рецепты

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