Sep 30, 2010 14:08
Bad Hair Habits there are many hair rituals that have been passed on for generations that have no basis in reality. Some regimes are pleasurable but pointless, while others are actually harmful. Here's some habits to avoid:
Washing hair in Hot Water. Hot water is as drying to your hair and scalp as it is to your skin. Hair is more dense than skin and the layers of the cuticle are difficult to penetrate. Once product has penetrated & moisturized the hair, that moisture will need to be locked in. A cool rinse helps close the cuticle & seal in the moisture.
Appyling Conditioner/Styling Products Directly to Your Scalp. Apply product from the middle of the hair (not the scalp) to the ends. This prevents you from coating the scalp which can clog pores and cause flaking.
Using Dandruff/Clarifying Shampoo Improperly. You must work the shampoo into your scalp and hair for 3-5 minutes before you rinse and use the shampoo 2 times/wk for a couple of weeks before you see results.
Brushing 100 strokes a Day. This time-comsuming activity won't promote hair growth. Excessive hair brushing will only make oily hair oilier and dry hair brittle.
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