Nerissa's language

Jul 22, 2009 20:06

As verbally adept as my little one is, she still misses a few letters here and there. I'm really in no hurry to correct it, except when it causes a problem for us or other adults trying to understand her.

The biggest one is the "S" at the beginning of words. "St" in particular usually comes out as a hard "g".

Step = "gep"
Stop = "gop"
Stuff = "guff"
Story = "gory"

...though Stain becomes "tain" or "dain". This one comes out when she climbs into the laundry basket and calls out "I need a wash!" So I pretend to give her a full scrub and rinse. She lifts her arm and points to her arm pit and says "Oh no! I got a tain!" so of course I have to scrub her armpit which elicits lots of giggles. Of  course, we have to wash both armpits several times (those pesky 'tains!)

The s is often omitted altogether, so "snow" becomes "'no", but she did say "a snow leopard" today at the zoo. She's actually starting to get it, which is why I feel the need to document it as much as I can.

One of my favorites is "excuse me" which is generally "goomie!"
Scary = "gay-ee"
Strawberry was "gawbee" for a long time.

Sometimes the s is replaced by an f. So soy milk is usually "foy milk".
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