post wedding maddness

Nov 13, 2007 11:00

I haven't written about the honeymoon yet so this post is out of order, but this is what happens when you take a honeymoon the day after your wedding celebration: Mountains of wedding presents piled high!

Welcome to A's humble abode! Just off the airplane, I was still donning my lovely Hawaiian hair flower as I opened all of our wedding presents. A flower worn over the left ear indicates someone is taken. A flower over the right ear indicates that someone is available. And a flower worn in the center of the hair indicates that someone is looking. =)

Boxes and wrapping and presents, oh my!

Our kitchen is now fully stocked and I am ecstatic. A just picked up our new plasma TV for a STEAL last weekend. He found a 42-inch Panasonic 1080p for $989 at Sears. I don't even know what a 1080p is, but it sounds cool, doesn't it? =) I feel all techie just typing it: 1080p! Hah. Now I can add it to my collection of nerd phrases, like "upconvert DVD player" and "HDMI cable." Excuse me, Mr. Best Buy sales person... can you tell me if this DVD player is an upconvert? Do you know where I can find an HDMI cable?

Marriage is an all access pass to a wealth of knowledge I never knew existed! =)
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