I'm going to murder this LiveJournal sooner or later, in the interest of leaving as few traceable accounts of my past as possible.
My new blog (which is just writing experiments as I try to figure out voice and phrasing for the novels I'm working on) is at
http://kalisphoenix.bloggoing.com/ If you are on Facebook, as mentioned in another post, it's considerably easier to keep track of when I write.
I apologize to everyone on my friend's list for being extremely scarce the past couple years. Most people I've barely communicated with in months and months. It's not that I've stopped being a withdrawn, emo-in-spirit, pale, wan, maybe-jacking-off-a-bit-too-much kinda guy -- I'm still writing, more than ever in fact, but it's almost all planning and stylistic exercises as opposed to more-or-less coherent narratives.
I'm taking 23 credit hours this semester at the
University of Akron, so I'll be kind of scarce the next two weeks, as I complete essays and presentations and final exams...
...but starting in mid-December, I'm going to be writing every day. Sara and I made a deal (much like Dostoevsky and Wife, Piers Anthony and Wife, et al.) concerning our fiscal and labor arrangements -- how much I write, how much I work as a wage slave -- and of course it depends largely on the level of responsibility I will be able to sustain for the next eighteen months or so.
So be hard on me when I slack, be proud of me when I excel, and be unforgiving when I slip. You all have always been very good at that.
Anyway: I am here, friendly, and open-minded if any of y'all want to reestablish some sort of contact. If not, then take care of yourselves :)
This journal will self-destruct on New Year's Eve.