May 06, 2004 21:14
We now have - *brass fanfare* - a TITLE for the summer of 2005 POTC sequel.
I give you ... Pirates of the Caribbean: Treasures of the Lost Abyss.
(Raise your hand if you already knew this. I will not deny being a little bit slow on the uptake. I do not claim to be the first to be enlightened; I only bring this up to share my thoughts on it with you, my dearly beloved unsupecting public and innocent bystanders.)
My first thoughts, in relatively accurate order, upon discovering this tidbit:
1. Eee! A TITLE!
2. Wonder who else knows?
Treasures of the Lost Abyss... It's an innuendo. It sounds like porn, for Lucifer's sake. It's an innuendo RIGHT THERE in the TITLE.
Sorry. I will stop blathering now. I will retire to my small cave of OMGSQUEE to gather together what scraps of my shredded dignity remain, and will no more assail you with...
Oh, forget it. My point is, it's a lovely title. My point is, I'm all excited about the movie again. My unintentional point is, it doesn't take all that much, really, to get me all excited about the movie again.
I believe all three points have been made. My job here is done.