Стоит в морском порту . Судя по осадке - из Клайпеды пришёл пустой. А чем будет заливаться - непонятно. В Калининграде ничего такого химического , вроде, нет .
Сюда такие танкеры прибывают, наоборот , под разгрузку. Например, в "Союз".
IMO 9268631 | Флаг Италии / Owner Finbeta S.p.A. - Savona / Длина судна 136 м
Finbeta S.p.a. is an Italian shipping company based in Savona and controlled by the Bertani family which operates a fleet of chemical parcel tankers. The Bertani family links with shipping go back to 1937, when Cesare Bertani, father of the current chairman - Giovanni - acquired his first vessel. Gradually, the company concentrated its activities in the transportation of fuel, diesel and aviation fuel in the port and airport area of Fiumicino. Over the years, following a carefully planned diversification, Finbeta’s operations have extended well beyond coastal trading of CPP into the transportation of petrochemicals, vegetable oils, specialized chemicals and acids in the international market place.