In a desire to know my flist a little better...
All of the people on my flist write fanfic for B7 and various other fandoms. Your mission, should you chose to accept it, is to answer the following questions regarding writing fanfic.
1 Why do you write fanfic?
2 When did you write your first fanfic and which fandom was it for?
3 Which fandoms do you, or have you, written for?
4 Do you read much fanfic or do you mainly write?
5 What comes easiest for you when writing?
(dialogue, descriptions, plot, characterizations, humour, angst...)
6 Which genres do you mainly write? (action, angst, dark, drama, horror, humour...)
7 Which genres will you not write?
8 Are reader comments/responses important?
9 Do you use a beta reader?
10 Which is your favourite character to write fanfic for and why?
11 Which are your favourite ships (including friendships) that you write the most?
12 Do you have characters that are so strongly established that they're in your heads?
13 Which characters are you most comfortable doing a POV for? Which is the hardest?
debris4spike pointed out that I haven't answered these questions. I guess it's only fair.
1 Avon.
2 The first one would be two years ago for B7.
3 So far B7 is the only one that has inspired me to write.
4 Mainly write but I do read.
5 The easiest would be dialogue and characterizations. Plot comes next. The hardest would be descriptions. I'm just not a visual person.
6 Angst, action, drama, mystery and humour.
7 I don't do slash or porn. I don't tend to graphic violence even though I do torture scenes, but only within the context of the story and I concentrate more on the psychological and emotional impact.
8 I enjoy them and some comments or lack of them help me grow as a writer.
9 I did try using a beta at first but the speed at which I write makes it impossible.
10 Avon. He's infinitely fascinating.
11 Avon and Cally captured me from the beginning. And definitely Avon and Vila for friendship.
12 Most of the main characters are in my head, and its getting quite crowded.
13 Avon and then Vila.