I REALLY need a break... yay for Thanksgiving!

Nov 16, 2007 07:21

So it's less then a week until Thanksgiving and I'm really looking forward to it. I need the 4 days off of work that I'm going to be taking. I usually work 37.5hrs a week, but the past two (and this is the third week of this as well) its been over 50hrs. Granted, the over-time pay IS rather nice, it's just tiring being at work from 8:30am until almost 7pm every night. I've also been going in on Saturday's as well (one time for 8.5hrs and the next time for 6hrs. We'll see how tomorrow goes). All this OT is mainly happening because the project that I am lead on is 30-days behind schedule, which isn't our fault. We have a traditional method of doing things and decided that they wanted to test out this new way of doing things and it's just making things worse and taking forever. And the only reason why my project (one of the biggest ones) is doing it this way is because "we were next in line". Ugh.

Work is also getting very stressful because so many people are leaving. Just a few months ago, we had Kristen, Michael, me, Houston, Donovan, and Hyson (who works only part time - so 4hrs a day) on our team. By the end of November, we will have Me, Donovan, and Hyson (who is still half time). That's it. And the company is at a hiring freeze so we can't replace anyone either. I haven't told work I'm moving to Hawaii yet because every time I think I'm ready, someone else just put in their 2-week notice (or in one case, a 2-DAY notice).

So like I said before, I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving to just get away from work for a bit. I am taking next Wednesday off so I am flying to Reno and then my aunt will be picking me up on her way to my parents house. Matt will fly in to Reno Thursday morning. The house is going to be full an loud with about 16 people in it, and the majority of them Cuban, but its going to be lots of fun.
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