Masterlist of Icons

Mar 17, 2008 00:01

Masterlist of all icons made by kalina_blue, sorted by date and ship. If you want to snatch some, just tell me which ones you’re taking and please don’t forget to give credit.

Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

February/March 2008

Dramione Icons [16]

Scorpius/Rose Icons [8]

Draco/Rose Icons [6]

General Icons [9]

Dramione Icons for Dynonugget [9]

Dramione Icons [9]

dmhg_icontest challenge 25 [3]

April 2008

Dramione Almost Kiss Icons [9]

General icons about commas and writing [15]

The Text of icon #7 is a modification of a quote by Paul Auster saying, The book is your book. You have been responsible for every single thing on every page, every comma, every syllable is your work.

Scribo, ergo sum is a modification of the Latin proverb cogito, ergo sum. It means I write, therefore I am.

Dramione Icons for Dynonugget II [12]

Dramione Icons Lean On Me [17]

icontest, ship: scorpius/rose, fandom: harry potter (books), ship: draco/hermione, ship: draco/rose, fanfiction: masterlist, icons

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