Icontest and Weasleyfest extension

Jun 22, 2008 00:19

First the good news, I won mod's choice at draco_chorus . :) Here's my banner:

001 002 003

004 005 006

Created with angelamaria's Icon Table Generator @ Bauble

I've got another 15 icons ready for my 100 themes icon table, but I still have to wait for all the icontests to be over, since I've been using the same set of brushes (made them myself) in a lot of them.

And while everything is well on the icon front, writing is not going so good. I actually have to go and beg for an extension for my weasley_fest fic once I'm done writing this entry. Stories are due tonight and I think it's safe to say that I won't be finishing on time. It really sucks. I'm still stuck on the same fricking part. Writing this stupid scene, I realised that I was rushing things. Now I have to find a way to unrush them. I just don't know how. It's driving me nuts.

Also, I finally went to see Indiana Jones with a friend of mine. Didn't like the movie much, to be honest. The plot was just ridiculous. There were a few funny scenes (the one were they're stuck in the sand was my favourite), but overall they just tried to play up the old fame. Really wasn't worth the 6,50 € I payed for it. But I am looking forward to the new X-Files and the Mummy 3 (saw the previews). Hopefully, they will be better.

icontest, awards: icons, fandom: harry potter (books), lj: random stuff / rl, fanfiction: exchange, fandom: twilight (books/movies), icons

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