
May 27, 2008 01:56

Just a quick post to pimp a few sites.

icweasleyis a new icontest side, featuring the Weasley family. Naturally, I had to join. :) For those of you, who are just as addicted to making icons as I am, you should definitely go and check it out. You can even win two month paid account time.

Also, the 100 icons challenge at
dmhg_icontest is finally finished. I ended up doing two more themes, since someone didn’t turn in theirs. You can see all 100 icons here. They are really pretty.

triwizard_cup is in need of some tie breakers at this post. There were some pretty awesome icons this week. I'm hoping for another Slytherin win, of course.

dramione_ldws just finished up the second challenge. Apparently, nobody gets eliminated in this round. I’m not sure, whether we can post the drabble yet to our own journals. I’ll do that later then. If you voted for the drabbles you probably know which one was mine anyways, since my name was revealed prematurely (by mistake, I assume).

Writing is going very slow at the moment as I’m still completely addicted to Twilight. At least I’m not the only one. I gave a friend of mine the first book and she read it through in one night, too. She borrowed the second book the next day. :)

Anyways, I was thinking of reading a few twilight fanfiction, but I’ve got no idea if there are any good ones out there or where to find them. I was wondering if anyone on my flist can recommend some. Same goes for icons. I already found some really pretty one by
alexia_drake and
flipflopkitty, but more icons is always good in my book (Though I'm already forced to rotate them because I can only have 15. I'm so close to getting paypal, so I can get a paid account.).

pimping: community, pimping: voting, fandom: twilight (books/movies)

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