Fic: Haunted Heart (Draco/Hermione)

Nov 01, 2009 00:21

Title: Haunted Heart
Author: kalina_blue
Rating: pg-13
Prompt Set: 100.1 (Draco/Hermione)
Prompt: 57.Young
Word Count: 200
Summary: A Halloween encounter.
Warnings: A bit on the creepy side, but it’s Halloween after all. Character death, just to be safe.
A/N: Written for the hp_halloween exchange for rivertempest. Thanks go to luvscharlie for beta’ing.

She was standing in the open front door in nothing but a nightgown. The candles inside the jack-o-lanterns cast eerie shadows on the floor below, and the wind blew through the streets, making Hermione’s nightgown billow and the dry leaves swirl violently in the air. The temperature had dropped significantly within the last couple of hours, and the night promised to be freezing.

But none of it seemed to bother Hermione as she stood in the door looking straight ahead with unseeing eyes.

The trick-or-treaters that filled the street quickened their steps when they passed her house. They averted their eyes, and the young children fled to the other side of the street. Nobody had dared set a foot on Hermione’s property for years. Especially not on Halloween.

All except for one man. He was drawn towards the house, compelled to visit her, forced to revisit his past mistakes.

Hermione didn’t look at him, but he knew she was aware of his presence. She was waiting.

Finally Draco mustered enough courage to speak. “You died because I loved you. Your blood is on my hands.”

“You have my blood, but I own your heart,” Hermione whispered, and then she faded.

fandom: harry potter (books), ship: draco/hermione, fanfiction: halloween, fanfiction: completed, fanfiction: exchange, fanfiction: 100 quills, fanfiction, fanfiction: drabble

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