Fic: Constantly Draco (Draco/Hermione) - Index

May 11, 2009 16:06

Constantly Draco
by kalina_blue

Rating: R
Status: WIP
Word Count: 8452/~12,000
Pairing: Draco/Hermione
Summary: After the war Hermione returns to Hogwarts to finish her education, but picking up where she had left and forgetting the war isn't all that easy. Sometimes a friendship starts because someone is being rescued from a troll, sometimes because someone is being rescued from themselves.
Warnings: Post-DH, EWE
A/N: I started writing this fic last year for hp_secret_santa. After the exchange got cancelled I rewrote the story, adding Draco's POV among many other things. The former oneshot now has three parts. I hope you enjoy reading. Reviews are love.

Thank you to my wonderful betas, lighting and dream_mancer. Your help is very much appriciated.


1 - A Place So Dark You Can’t See The End
2 - Hell Ain't A Bad Place To Be
3 - A Soft Place To Fall

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, and I don't make any money with this fic. It's just for fun.

fandom: harry potter (books), ship: draco/hermione, fic: constantly draco, fanfiction: masterlist, fanfiction: multi-chaptered, fanfiction: wip, fanfiction: 100 quills, fanfiction

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