
Sep 03, 2005 21:31

Since journals are "our own space" I feel its safe here to complain a little without (hopefully) offending anyone....

[COLOR=Red][SIZE=4]I Just wish instead of people complaining about the gas prices and starting rumors (I mean TV and everyday people) that people would get themselves informed before they speak![/COLOR][/SIZE]

-There is not gas shortage right now! Some areas are out of gas but it is mainly due to logistics of gas actually getting places (because of the hurricane).

-Gas stations who are higher than others, are probably not really being fined-maybe they are fined for raising the price more than once in a day but not b/c they have higher prices than other stations, NO ONE IS FORCEING THEM TO BUY GAS THERE...they are not getting fined more for charging "elderly people"!! (how the He** would they even know who was how old????)

-Gas stations who have higher prices-do not FORCE people to buy there gas....therefore even if they have raised their prices higher than others by the customer [COLOR=Red]You have a choice to buy from them or not!!![/COLOR]

-The gas companies are not trying to rip people off (in MOST cases-I am sure there are some out there) but as a whole they are just trying to make a profit-or at least cover their costs!


-Prices are different in different areas across the country b/c of various factors....areas such as the south who can't get gas as quickly this week are higher prices b/c of SUPPLY and DEMAND

-Do we blame coke and pepsi like this when they raise their prices $0.10 a bottle....or do we just assume the cost of making the soda has gotten higher and they are trying to keep up????

I just keep getting more and more annoyed about how uninformed people are making assumptions and passing them on...people are going to get the wrong information and panic when they do not need too!

Don't use gas if you don't like prices.

And again....let's be thankful that all we have to complain about is the price of gas....not needing to find a new home.
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