Mar 24, 2008 15:38
So first, Monday, bleh. Expiration Monday which, okay, means nothing to most of you, but it's a work related thing which means work is insanely busy.
But this morning, ice! On my car! Seriously Texas, what's up? I put up with triple digit heat for half the year. I accept blowing dust advisory warnings, heat index alerts, and tumbleweeds the size of a compact car piling up in my back yard. I understand that everyone's landscaping is made of rock because grass just doesn't work out. I learn to live with perpetually dry everything and dust sneaking in through every crevice in my house when we get a wind storm.
And why do I put up with all that? Because I know that in the last week of March, there will not be ice on my car.
No love, Texas. I can see Mexico from my house. I expect southwest weather, dammit.
Also, crazy work day? Omgwtfpolarbear. I think I broke some kind of record. SO glad I have next week off, srsly.
*slinks off to read gratuitous fluffy slash*