Writing, working, other improbable concepts

Mar 08, 2008 13:48

So I'm writing another Heroes fic. It's kidfic (sort of) which is like visiting old and much loved stomping grounds. For those that don't know, I tend toward kidfic and once co-wrote something of an epic Stargate kidfic with Darcy. Anyway, this is one of those handily canon enabled stories where Adam meets young Hiro. Only, kind of longer. And deliberately.

Also, how gorgeous is David Anders? Seriously. I went and downloadeded Sark clips just for the pretty. Oh, and I posted a couple Heroes fics, too, if you're into that sort of thing. Salvage, which was a one shot short story, and Yen, quite long, still being posted.

So essentially, fandom is lovely and so is writing again, and that is a nice piece of happy.

Work, on the other hand. Well. I work in customer service, and apparently some reviews of our company basically panned the customer service, and now everyone is being watched very closely. They pulled us into a meeting and said the higher-ups are going to be going over you with a fine tooth comb, don't screw it up. Lovely. I, of course, have a marked tendency to be a condescending smartass as the best of times, but when faced with a whiny, clueless customer complaining about something that is their own fault? Yeah, not so much with the sweetness and light.

Still, I will be (hopefully) up for a raise in April, and I am nearly finished downloading season 2 of Dexter, which is creepily awesome, and it's Saturday. All is not lost.

If anyone would like to hand me several million dollars so I never have to work again, though, I wouldn't stop you.

personal, writing, work

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