May 08, 2007 07:50
Last night we had a huge storm, which seems par for the course this season. We've already had a few severe thunderstorms, a tornado (which is very rare for this area) and lots of high winds. Last night started with a bit of flickering lightning and low thunder, and I figured it was nothing new, but then we got rattling all over the place and massive amounts of hail. It was very noisy, especially on the skylights, and both kids crawled into bed with me. That, plus the soon very close lightning and booming thunder, made for not so much sleep.
Of course, poor hubby went to the field yesterday, and is somewhere sleeping in a tent through all this. Hopefully he got the big ugly green tent that holds about ten cots rather than the itty bitty dome tent that is more private but sucks against the weather.
Still, the hail was kind of cool, except for the aformentioned not sleeping thing and the hideous mess it made of the flowerbeds. There was something about being warm in bed in the middle of the night with my kids to either side of me listening to it pound the roof that was very cozy.
In other news, I have one week left before I finish college! OMG! *snoopy dance*