Last night's House

Jan 31, 2007 18:58

So after three weeks, there was this new House on last night. One day and one room, or something like that. I recorded it and didn't get around to watching it until today, but I noticed a curious lack of general squee on my flist in the interim. I can say now that it is not all that curious after all.

So... WTF, House? Also, WTF House writers? )

reviews, house

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skyblue_reverie February 1 2007, 02:38:33 UTC
YES YES SO MUCH YES. Total word. I sort of wasn't sure what I thought of it right afterwards - other than being sort of bored and vaguely dissatisfied, but you've completely hit it.

The girl was a total mary-sue, and the writers have totally been trawling for their material. (Remember the emo!cutting!House with matching hurt!comfort!Cam from a few weeks back?). They could at least copy from the good fanfic writers, preferably the house/wilson ones, if they're going to blatantly steal fanfic material!

The philosophical/controversial issues debate was boring and out of place. (As was the pointless Cam subplot - you're right, an exploration of Wilson and his issues with homelessness would have been far more interesting.) Seriously, if this girl came in and did what she did (said she'd been raped then tried to down a bottle of pills), they'd have her locked down in the psych ward, on suicide watch, with strong meds and... you know... an actual mental health professional who's equipped to deal with her issues. There's no way they would (especially not Cuddy, who's very sensitive to liability issues!) let her go traipsing off to the park with House to unburden her little mary-sue self and get him to unburden himself in return. *barf*

The last few eps have just been throwing realism out the window completely (the firefighter POTW was like something out of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - total science fiction) in the name of trying to be "edgy" or something. They're also ruining the character of House - making him far too emo and now with an abusive past... my House love was already dimming quite a lot, but I'm just getting more and more disgusted with the writers. The first ten minutes were awesome - snappy dialog, great clinic patients, some excellent House-Cuddy interaction - all the things I want to see. Then psycho blonde chick comes in (I swear for most of the ep I thought she was lying about the rape because she has these cold dead eyes and looked like she was a violent sociopath, but now I think she was just a terrible actress) and everything completely went off the rails.

I have to say, this season has SUCKED. I'm still watching, but at this point it's more a) out of habit and b) because I'd watch the "Hugh Laurie Clips His Toenails" show. The man is sex on a stick. Still, if it's going to be this crappy, I'd rather it ends and then Hugh can go home go England and back to having hot mansex with Stephen every night.

Er, sorry for the rant, and thanks for articulating so clearly what hadn't quite coalesced in my own mind. :)


kalimyre February 1 2007, 04:12:19 UTC
Okay, first, your Stephen icon is made of awesome. *luffs*

I think this episode surprised me because I've come to expect better of House. This was controversy for the sake of it, just going through the issues so they can say they're cutting edge hot TV. (Dangerous television, you know. *g*)

And yes, the girl definitely wouldn't have been dealt with that way in real life. Can you imagine how many rape victims a busy hospital sees every day? The suicide attempt means she needs to be admitted to mental health, yes, but as near as I can tell she was hanging around in a room talking to House. However, on this show my disbelief has to be suspended pretty often, so I didn't notice that so much.

I think it was more a visceral reaction of instant dislike for the girl. Everyone on this show understood their own motivations way too well. She was all set to psychoanalyze herself and House and announce it to everyone in long speeches.

I do still like House, but I hope they go back to the way things were before most of the Tritter arc. Although a few of the eps with Tritter were pretty good, as long as they focused on the patients and the medicine and House's ever complex interactions with everyone else. (And yes, I'd totally watch anything with Hugh. I'd especially love it if Stephen could do a guest spot on House. They'd be awesome.)

So, anyway. Glad you liked the review. *g* We can just hope next week will be better.


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