Last night's House

Jan 31, 2007 18:58

So after three weeks, there was this new House on last night. One day and one room, or something like that. I recorded it and didn't get around to watching it until today, but I noticed a curious lack of general squee on my flist in the interim. I can say now that it is not all that curious after all.

So... WTF, House? Also, WTF House writers? )

reviews, house

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msliz4857 February 1 2007, 02:26:36 UTC
Amen, sister!

I'm as happy for a good philosophical debate as the next person, but not from these two characters in this situation. God, are these people just puppets? "Why are you doing that?" "I dunno." "Why do you want me as your doctor?" "I dunno." "What do you want to talk about?" "I dunno." Gah! [/NapoleonDynamite]

I'm definitely in the meh camp. Leaning a little closer to grrrrrr because I waited three weeks for this?

OMG I was terrified that entire time when rape!girl and House were in the park that they were going to wind up kissing.

And WTF with House calling the fetus rape!baby all the time? That was just, just, just uncalled for. Just no.

Chase and "let her sleep"? Bwuahahahahahahahaha! Best line of the night.

Unless BLOTN went to Wilson: "Are we role playing? Because I don't want to be you!" Hee!

There was a little bit of H/W niceness going on, which was appreciated.

I better never again hear Cuddy tell House how much he owes her, he better do this, that or the other thing or she'll have him hauled to jail. NEVER. EVER. AGAIN.

And House's history of abuse? Not really a "big dark secret," eh? There had to be some reason father and son don't get along to the level they do. Or don't. Why couldn't the secret have been a his late-night trysts with Wilson? Or Cuddy even? Or that his dad had caught him with another boy once...that would have paved the way for H/W in canon. :)

Hey, a fangirl can dream, right?

I now return control of your comments to you. Hee!


skyblue_reverie February 1 2007, 02:49:10 UTC
Hee, jinx! We both posted nearly at the same time to agree with kalimyre. I had forgotten, in the wave of crap that came after it, the totally annoying "you owe me" litany from Cuddy. SO LAME OMG. Because a) it's already getting tiresome and b) no, Cuddy, you idiot, House now owns you because he knows you perjured yourself. Your fates are now linked, you ignorant slut! {/snl} You can't turn him in without risking jail, as well as, I'm sure, losing your job and medical license yourself, you dumb bint. Grrrrr.

Oooh, I wish they'd done your idea that the House-Housedaddy tension was because Housedaddy had discovered House in bed with another guy, not the lame-ass childhood abuse thing. Not that it doesn't happen, of course, and not that it's not a terrible thing, but I'd much rather that they didn't do that to House. This was far too close to A Very Special Episode of House for my liking. Don't play the child abuse card, writers. It's been done way too many times before. I liked the character better when he was a bastard just because he was a bastard, not when you're trying to make him all recovering from a traumatic past. Blech.


kalimyre February 1 2007, 02:54:04 UTC
OMG I was terrified that entire time when rape!girl and House were in the park that they were going to wind up kissing.

Or hugging, which would possibly be worse. And yes, I agree about the rape-baby thing. Was that his way of trying to pound it home to her? Like maybe she forgot. I swear this whole thing was like the Very Special Episode for Emmy consideration or something.

I liked Chase, and he was far too under-used in this ep. Wilson was great too, in his subtle way of understanding a lot about House and saying little. I think there was just too much said in this ep. Too much exposition. Like an amateur fanfic where the author wants to tell everything up front rather than showing it. (Sadly, I recognize the tendency because I did it myself when I first started out writing.)

Also, OMG yes on the Cuddy reminding House how he owes her. Yes, she helped him. Yes, he could show some gratitude. But holding it over his head constantly like that is a bit much. As for House's bit secret... yeah, not so much. Still, I don't think it would've bothered me so much if the girl hadn't somehow divined it with her magic Sue-perception. Bleh.


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