Ah, young (but not really) love...

Nov 07, 2006 12:09

I seem to have fallen into a new fandom. And yet, not new. Sort of. The fandom in question is House, which I got hooked on after watching a seemingly innocent mini-marathon on USA this past weekend. (The first taste is always free.) And it occurs to me that House and Rodney McKay are not all that different. I mean yes, different specialities, but same genius and sarcasm and lack of social graces. House is more with the bitterness and brutal honesty just to be a big manipulative asshole, while Rodney is more with the steamroller I keel you with my big hammer of smarter-than-you make people cry because he's clueless.

So, they're both sarcastic brilliant egocentric jerks, but House does it on purpose, you know? And Rodney has more woobie in him.

I think part of what gets me is the subtext (and I'm talking about House/Wilson here, because seriously, they might as well be making out on screen) and the way House knows its there and jokes about it. Rodney, on the other hand, seems to be totally unaware, which is cute and works for him. But House plays with it, teases Wilson about it and you know Hugh Laurie comes from a long history of comedy that toys with sexuality.

I tried out the fic a little, but didn't find much that really appealed. I know some of you out there are also House fans--point me toward the good stuff? Pretty please? I like House/Wilson but I'll take gen as well, since I'm always roll-over easy for new fandoms.

fandom, house

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