CSI fic rec

Dec 15, 2005 09:49

New story today on the Fingerprints archive, and I just frittered my morning away being sucked into it. Sympathy for the Devil, by Scooterkitty, is not your typical story. There are warnings at the top that should be taken seriously, but unless fairly dark religious stuff is a major squick for you, the story is well worth it.

The writing is strong, as is the characterization, and the descriptions are particularly good, putting you in the scene without overloading on clunky details. Gil is awesome in this, stunningly himself, one of the most honest takes on the man I've ever seen. Faults and all.

In the end (which is a bit sad, but it had to be that way), Gil wins against high odds not by faith, but by the lack of it. By skepticism and science, and isn't that perfectly Gil? A smart, spooky story and a hell of a ride. Go, read, leave gushing feedback that asks very nicely for a sequel because, come on. It just can't end there.

csi, recs

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