First post of many hopefully

Apr 28, 2009 00:11

I mostly am hoping this turns out the way i want it. Just trying to reconnect with the human life after leaving my ex and being able to communicate. Never again will i sacrafise myself for a man! I am a feminist dont get me wrong but somewere in the relationship it turned and i dont know how but he gained the control and it should have been equal u know! Well i put myself in check and trust me its done and over with. ALl he did was add at least five years of stress to my life ( we were only together seven or eight months) sad eh. but as soon as it was over i didnt feel anything. i didnt feel remorse, sadness that it was over, i didnt feel lonely or alieneated. I felt relieved, happy, free, more of my own woman really. Now i hope to find the type of friends i really canc onnect with, live a life with and basicly have a fun college experience. Im goign to start IUSB next motnh. im moving there as well. Its going to be difficult but i can do it. I have been on my own before and this time its going to be me myself and I. Now i can find out who i really am. Not who i need to be for everyone else. Im a paranoid girl. Well my ex's family made me that way. SO as i write here im trying desperatly not to think of the people who might read this and be laughing at me or saying "poor girl, she dosnt knwo how to write on here. AND look at all her typos jeeze" lol but i can laugh at myself.
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