Writer's Block: End of the World as We Know It

May 01, 2009 20:39

The most likely culpirate is going to be some sort of disease first. With all the new flu's and sickness's appearing its just a matter of time before a lethal and unstoppable form of SOMETHING gets us. Im not being a downer im just being realistic. Did you know there are thousands of diseases known to man. Most have been contained and are no problem to us...but are still exhistant. The second in line of world distruction probably would be the Fire thing. Humans in general aren't all too safe to be handling nuclear weapons dont ya think. I mean it was set up from the moment it was created.

( Please disreguard any typos during the reading of this journal...its not my strong point..i just like to get my opinion across in a hurry before it escapes my mind.. Thank you)

apocalypse, writer's block

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