Oct 10, 2006 15:22
woohoo! i can still do it! windsurfing on saturday was fantastic. footstraps harness & planing easily! even managed 2 waterstarts in the footstraps (altho they didnt last) could have done with 0.5m more as I had to go careening downwind to get planing, but it was oh so much fun! in the end I had to be rescued, and luckily caught the attention of a few marines who were out waterskiing. they were nice enough to give me a lift in and were repaid in cold beer!
last night was dramatic. sinz left the guild for a more advanced raiding one...which was fine really, til arthur decided he'd leave too so the round table is essentially disbanded. a few of us have decided to start a new one (i dont remember the reasons for not staying in TRT, possibly because arthur still has control over the guild master and bank) 'condemned' which is open to all the previous members but aims for a more relaxed schedule of raiding, rather than the hectic raid-every-night it was before. it looks good really, but we'll have to see how the transition works. trying to resist the urge to go on and on about everything wrong and selfish about what's happened, everyone's angry, and hurt.
this morning i took off work, or at least decided to go in later and work later, flexitime ftw, so that i would be in when my new bed (huzzah) was delivered. bed was to arrive in the morning, some time before 12- it still hadnt turned up by 2 so I gave up and came into work. apparently guy's not going to be around for a while either, as they wouldnt let him back in the country and hes being deported until they get a letter from immigration or something.
i dunno, everything thats happening makes me wanna sleep and then wake up in time for christmas :)