Oct 02, 2006 09:10
lol ^_^
monday again, and I have a headache, woot. also came in to find the site i was working on 'fixed' however all the code is now changed and i dont know what to do or where to start and the code is all nasty and unfamiliar.
ben was in the same time-zone as me this weekend! but still too far away- i wanted to go visit him in athens for an afternoon for huggles, but the flights were ridiculously expensive. i tried looking up ferries, but the one i found that went cyprus/athens had a 'current timetable' dated 2002... oh well. I'll see him within a month now, and I can't wait :)
finally got back out windsurfing this weekend, however i overestimated myself a bit and took on a tad too much wind... getting out on the water was fine, but as soon as I got out i began trying to get back in which took about an hour and i ended up swimming it in. overpowered for the lose! this lead me to the predicament referred to in the subject: from pulled muscles and sunburnt my (painless) flexibility is limited, so much that i have problems getting dressed and my arms cant even hold my handbag, oops! all in the name of progress!
[geeky gamey stuff- not recommended that you read :p its ranty and stuff.]
that evening I went on another MC run with Deelya to get the eye of divinity that I lost a roll by 2 for the previous week. it was a good run, I'm glad I went :) not only did I get the eye, I also got the boots and pants of prophecy, hurrah! After that my brother gave me the eye of shadow as an early birthday present, woot! So off I went to do the quest at 2am, which failed, twice. Grr. damn those hunters saying we have it easy! its been nerfed! its HARD! I tried again on sunday and failed again, tried again and managed it, 3rd time lucky :) so now Deelya has benediction yay! the worst thing is, I think I didn't actually fail the previous attempts, because the NPC yells something along the lines of 'I've failed!' and me, thinking that i've failed, just stopped. the last time she said it I carried on anyway and completed it... talk about mixed signals, why have the NPC yell about failing if you're doing fine?!
Deelya now has (amulet of the shifting sands, mantle of prophecy, vestments of the shifting sands, bracers of prophecy, pants of prophecy, boots of prophecy, cauterising band and benediction) 7 epix woot, so I might play her more, especially with the state of things on executus...
The class leaders have been asked to pick secondary leaders, and if they don't pick me I think I will leave. This isnt as bad as it sounds: fair enough I wasn't picked for the leader as I'd just left the guild for 2 weeks but now I'm back and contributing... I have nothing to show for being one of the original 10 or so members, for being the first and only 60 priest for a month when i reached 60, for consistently being the best healing priest in raids, for having the experience of another 60 priest already, probably the best geared too (the class leader himself hoardes his DKP and keeps his level 40ish gear... hardly a good role model for the rest) I don't know what I do to piss people off, but most of the nublets they pick up every day get treated with more friendliness and respect than I've ever seen as part of that guild. Maybe its because there are people who know me IRL and there's prejudice that way, I don't care anymore, I'm getting sick of it.
Apart from that, sigmund gave me the eye of shadow for Guinevere, and seeing as I've just done the benediction quest for Deelya I'd like to do it asap for her too... as the guild isnt that far into MC yet, this would mean i'd have to buy my way in to another guild's raid to get the eye of divinity. According to arthur, this is a no-no. despite already having half and knowing how to do it, and the fact our guild won't get the first one for about a month I reckon, and even then I'm 4th in line to get it. No. Because it will make our guild look bad. Because they can;t sacrifice one priest for one week of raiding (and this just after him joking about how we have more than enough anyway...) Grr. I think i'm going to get it anyway, i'm not going to gimp myself for the sake of his ego. If he decides to kick me for breaking this unwritten rule... so what? it's not as if i've progressed within the guild at all. I've made a few good friends who I know will keep in touch anyway, so all i will miss out on is... getting pissed off about stuff like this :p
[/end geeky gamey stuff]
it's my birthday tomorrow and i dont know what to do. i've not organised anything, I was gonna go out for a drink after work with my mum, and then invite my colleagues so it didnt rely too much on if they turn up or not, but I think my dad wants to go out for dinner. I guess we could do both, I just dont know where to go.
i feel old!