I hate being preggers but I love kids.

Jun 28, 2009 11:04

 I think the worst thing about being pregnant is how tired i get so quickly.

put the dishes in the dishwasher, sit down and rest
put up shower curtain, sit down and rest
pick up blankets, sit down and rest

it takes me forever to get anything done and I feel bad because when i accomplish little things Man's like onto task 10.  When he gets housework done he's running circles around me and its frustrating.  Ask Ann, every weekend I would clean my house from top to bottom including corners and now that seems like such a *I just climbed mount Everest task* its hard to even contemplate it.

So Man gets most of the work done.  But Man's not here today, he's flying home from a wedding he went to, so its up to me to get shit done.  But between feeling like I've got a core temp running at 110 degrees and the fact that picking up laundry is enough to make me take a nap its hard.

I've been bad at things throughout life.  I'm crap at math and science and in dance making my right side do what my left side just did was a challenge, but I've never been outright TERRIBLE at something.  I am TERRIBLE at being preggers.  I know people who breezed though the second/third trimesters, or hit the bumps along the way and just kept trucking.  I am not that person right now.  I'm a crashed out, good for not much, slow moving grumpy person.

to give you an idea...I...me...tell Man to slow down when he walks.  I spent 8 yrs dragging him along after me and now I feel like he's running. That's fucked up.

So ya, never going to do this again. I've had 2 nervous breakdowns in my life and neither left me this tired or lethargic.  I keep waiting for this burst of energy that's supposed to happen but I really don't think I'm going to get it.   .
Ok that was my break, and my grump. No I have to go clean my room like a good girl.

preggers, emo whinging, so freaking tired

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