Regret. Prepare for emo.

Feb 27, 2006 23:55

here have been a lot of lessons I've learned the past six months about love and relationships. Here are some of them:

- You haven't scored, til you've scored.
- Don't assume anything...You know the rest of that saying.
- Don't hold anything in. If something bothers you, say it.
- Don't hold back.
- Love comes in a lot of different forms.
- Age doesn't necessarily bring maturity.
- If you see a good thing, take it. If you have a good thing, embrace it.
- Know when to fight and when to quit and why you're doing either.
- Don't be stubborn when you don't have to be.
- You can be right 99% of the time, but there's always that 1%, and that'll bite you in the ass at the most inopportune time.
- Sometimes you just can't win and sometimes the time is just not right.
- Love is not a thing. When you make it a thing you give it worth. And love is priceless.
- Sometimes two people can be on the same page and yet be reading an entirely different story.
- Know when to compromise and do it without sacrificing yourself.
- The grass is NEVER greener on the other side.
- When you're sure how you feel, tell that person.
- Don't talk about yourself too much.
- Never bring up your ex(es) or past relationships.
- Know when you're using someone or being used.
- Don't try to hard. Know when to let go.
- It's good to be unpredictable SOMETIMES.
- Try not to be TOO predictable.
- Don't be a dumbass; but if you are, know when you're be one.
- Learn and know when to be proactive and reactive.
- Don't always listen to your friends, but know where they're coming from.
- Don't put so much emphasis on status, but know there's a time to just stop and figure out what's going on and where things are going.
- Some things are for the best and everything happens for a reason.
- There comes a time when you just have to move on.
- I don't show much emotion, if any. That can make things worse.
- Don't front. If you like someone tell them.
- Don't string anyone along...
- The best dates are spontaneous.
- You don't need to keep your options open if the best thing is right in front of you.
- Don't be afraid to get hurt. Sometimes you just gotta take that chance.
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