yeah here are the pictures from camp. most of them are from the last day but that's ok.
girls team earlier in the week minus madison and vera, haha meredith's (front row second from the left)eyes look sort of crooked.
the whiffle ball tournament:
calvin at bat...
all of the other pictures are from the last day.
garret and juliet at the last lecture friday morning:
me, madison and garret (same place):
we took pictures of garret's wounds from X-Game (sort of like an anarchic crazy capture the flag game, only 20 millions times more fun and with 120 people). 10 points to you if you can figure out what part of his body this is.
garret took random pictures during the lecture with my camera for awhile.
i won a nice pair of nike sunglasses in a trivia game, but they made me look like an old blind woman. so i traded them for a cooler nike hat that this kid won. people called him ross perot. i still dont know why.
hahah here's nerdface with the nerdy shrunken sweater (in the green). well that was his name, he's not wearing the sweater at the moment. mostly meredith hated him because he was her ex-boyfriend.
we had curtains covering the doorways to our rooms, and we got to sign them on the last day of camp. i decided to be really annoying and take up half of my curtain with my signature.
meredith's curtain:
a large boat as seen by jordan and i from the top of the girls building's stairs:
the whole team minus calvin plus some random counselors in the back (it was lame only four guys from the team came to camp, but we had eleven girls):
the kid from jackson (i think his name was pat) that had a very nice jumprope. (hint: jumprope is now the girls team's code for a very good rear) you can't tell so much in the picture, but take my word for it.
our boys team (ben, stohn, garret, calvin), well the ones that were at camp.
so here's a story about how juliet, ben, meredith and i are the meanest people in the world. there was this kid there that made a really funny face when he ran, so ben christened him helen keller II. the other 3 aforementioned parties died of laughter every time we saw him the rest of the week the end.
juliet, ben and i trying and mostly failing to make HK II's face:
juliet looks most like him here, apparently i wasnt really grasping the concept:
and lastly... Helen Keller II himself. not really making the face since he was walking around and not running, also he didnt know i was taking the picture, but looking very fitting all the same.
so those are some really good pictures. hopefully you enjoyed them. you probably all hate me now. oh well.
oh yes, and chelsea comes in TWO WEEKS!