Jan 21, 2007 09:30
Kirin Tor:
Slikkara, 60 orc hunter
a whole slew of others
Tamrissa, 9 blood elf hunter
Moon Guard:
Miakoda, 6 tauren druid
Veda, 6 orc shaman
Tlila, 12 draenei hunter
Cyril, brand new draenei warrior
My friend Joe's on there too - on Kirin Tor as Rollek, paladin, and Moon Guard, Kainling.
So...yeah. JOIN IN.
Draenei are way cooler than blood elves, even if their powers aren't as good. It's like the Protoss walked through Fiddler on the Roof and then crashed into Azeroth. L'CHAIM!
burning crusade