May 17, 2006 16:52
Woop. :D New layoutz. I hrt this one too. I'll have to change that about me spot... This one just may be a keeper. n.n (Changed it.)
Now, the various Japanese characters scattered about: The "title" of sorts, is "Miyavi love." Big suprise, I know. The sentence next to it is something along the likes of "SILLY GOD DISCO" The little grey square has "About Me" at the top of it. At the end is "Thanks for reading!"
:DD;; Aren't I weird?
But yeah. That crush on You-Know-Who (Heh. Voldemort. XD) hasn't quite dissapated. ._.;; I keep finding things that I say to myself "omggay DX" but... I can't seem to make it go away. *sigh* ._.
Yes. That was my scream of the day. n.n
As an afterthought, I also hate my mind. :D;;
Speaking of my mind, it has recently thrown up a new muse. Ish. I don't know what he is at this point. But, to preserve his "I'm going to wander around the edges of your paper and make comments" vibe, his comments will be in double parenthesis (To keep confusion at bay.)
((Being stupid?))
No. o_o;
He is very sarcastic. Note to self: Find a name for "he."
((I heard that. D:))
I know. n.n;
Anywho. I came up with the oddest conversation in the car today. o.o;; I was on my way back from the eye doctor (NEW CONTACTS LIKE WOAH) and I saw this guy, parked on the side of the highway, talking on his cell phone. So, this resulted:
"Oh my god! I'll be right there! But, I have to let you go." Said the voice through the phone.
"What? Why?!" she said, panicked.
"Because they don't let you talk on your cell phone and drive at the same time in this fucking state." was the snarled reply.
"Got pulled over, huh?" she asked, amused.
"Yes." *click*
I thought it was funny.
((Well, it isn't. xD))
Then why are you laughing?
((Because its so much fun to watch you fail. n.n))
... Yeah.
So, school: Laurel is apparently mad at Katherine and I. >_>;; She had a test in computer science yesterday, and she thinks she bombed it. When she came into biology, I said Hi, but she didn't answer. I assumed she was mad at me for some odd reason, because she ignored me. And, unfortunately, my policy on being ignored is "Well, fine. I won't talk to you either." And normally I don't even acknowledge the person for the next hour. Which is why I had my earbuds in at a high volume till like, lunch. Well, she was crying in that period.
And, lets face it, would Katherine and I have been much comfort? Seriously. x_>; It always makes me feel worse when there are people fluttering about asking whats wrong. I always end up sobbing when they do that. But, hey. Laurel isn't me. I'm just saying it isn't my fault I don't pay attention to every miniscule detail around me. -_-; I couldn't see her face to know she was crying anyway.
Latin is okay, now that I have a system for memorizing the lists. I.E. just write them down TONS of times. xDD; If I can copy the list without looking, I'm good. I have my suspicions about Mr. Bolman, but he's an okay guy. A little funky, but okay. There are a couple of guys in there I suspect to be "playing for the other team," because he constantly teases J.C. and another guy in our class. He isn't very pleasnt. Everyone hates him. xD;;
Mmm. Sonic ice. n.n;; Sorry. :D;;
World Geography is pretty good, though I have just a 91 in there now. I'm openly reading "A Short History of the World" in classes and everyone keeps coming up to me about it. "You bought that book already?" "You're already reading that?" Yeah, pretty much. To quote Mr. Tustin, books are my blood. I have ink running in my veins. :3;; And this book combines my two most favorite things in the world. College level books, and history. :333 Because I just LOVE to read about the sexual exploits of Europe's midievel aristocracy.
Biology is pretty okay too, though the Laurel thing is kinda getting me down. Foundations is getting better, (for there are only like, two class periods left) but I have PROVED Stephanie's insanity. She is on medication. I kid you not. She's weird ON it. I'd hate to see her off it. ._.
Language arts is fine, though I could have really REALLY done without it today. ._.;; We had a read-a-thon. Not really, but we had to read all period. I only had the history book. I read stuff like that in small doses. Not hour and a half long doses. ;_;
Chior is awesome. :D Though tryouts are like, tommorow, I'm pretty confident. I, apparently, have a good voice and I'm halfway faithful in my sightreading skills. Yeah. And its with Mrs. Hanning, so I'll be fine. n.n;; I like Mrs. Garms, but not that much. xD;
Math. I hate math. I wish I could be exempt from the math final, but I can't. I'm being exempt from the World Geography final. >_<;; Geeze, I can't wait for summer. School bites. D: Hard.
*sigh* I'm getting American Idol dreams again. xD;; I watch it and I can almost see myself auditioning for it. It's odd. I see alot of things for myself, but yeah. xD;;; I'd actually rather be a classical/opera singer than a pop star. 'Cuz classical music just rocks. :D
Ugh. My stomach hurts. x_x;;
I officially, as of like a week ago, have "Boys." The Los Angeles Galaxy are my BOYS. XDD They roxxorz. :333 Especially the goalie, Steve. xD
Well, I must go. Time to end this freak show of a post anyway. xD
Ja ne! n_n