May 12, 2006 17:43
It wasn't normal lag, no it wasn't. e_e;; I had ONE spyware program, ONE. And it screwed my poor computer royally. But it's fixed now. n.n No viruses or other bad bugs.
In other, schooly news, I am really looking forward to taking World History next year. I've often commented that I would be uberhappy if I could get my hands on one of the World History text books, and I would be. Just to look THROUGH it would be beyond awesome. n_n;; I'm weird, I know, but I love history to death. Not so fond of current events, but I love history. I suck it up. I think it's because alot of history reminds me of places most fantasy books are set, even if that is going back a little far. :3
Well, my mom rear-ended a kid from my school today. Heh. Not fun. It was an accident though, and we shouldn't come out of it too bad.
And, yet again, despite all rational and logical thought, my crush on you-know-who is again flaring. ._.;; He's just so cute, darnit. If he wasn't that cute, it wouldn't be a problem, but he is. So I'm stuck between a rock and a rather hard place. Y'know, besides the fact that he probably doesn't like me in that way either. And that he's going to Boyd next year. So sad. ;_;
And... He smiled at me in the hall today. *flush* ._.;;
Maa~. Why do I have to get so embarrased? ;x;