Yesterday was my father's birthday. It was filled with ADVENTURE.
1. we went for a walk.
Father: Why are those geese walking out of the lagoon in single file?
Kali: I don't know...?
Father: They appear to be walking towards us now.
Geese: What are you doing all up in our crib, yo?
Kali: Maybe they are hungry.
Father: There's not food in the lake?
Kali: Maybe they want to eat us.
Geese: (much, much closer) Mmmmm....
Father: You could probably take a goose, right?
Kali: ...
Geese: (continue their approach)
Kali: We're outnumbered. There's four of them. Only two of us.
Father: You are pathetic.
Kali: Yes, yes I know.
(Chief Goose proceeds to eat grass and, um, excrete all in one go. Sort of at us. If you can imagine such a thing. Minion geese -- clearly well-trained -- follow its example.)
Father: (admiringly) What excellent parallel processors they are! Did you know that about geese?
Kali: ...
2. We watched a movie. It was called
A Wednesday. According to many reviews, the best thing to come of of Bollywood in, well, ever.
Kali: (watching as secret vigilante terrorist-except-obviously-not-really guy drinks from apparently inexhaustible coffee thermos in a High Octane Moment of Super Calmness) Who are these people?
Father: No idea.
Kali: (after 8347th moment of random infodump that ends up having no relevance to plot) This movie is terrible.
Father: (watching #98753rd occurrence of random police brutality by heroes) I know.
Kali: Why are we watching it? Didn't you see it already?
Father: Yup.
Kali: Well, why?
Father: I wanted you to see how terrible it is.
Kali: ...
And then we went out to dinner at the Second Ave Deli (now on Third Ave) where we were seated under a photo of Rudy Giuliani. Somehow, managed to make it through some giant pastrami sandwiches.
Here, have some links:
And [RTD] says that when the Doctor closed all the cracks in the universe at the end of "The Big Bang," he thoughtfully closed the Rift in Cardiff as well. I just love when people throw these things out in interviews instead of, you know, onscreen. *sigh*
~ This is a
really awesome article on trans folk and video games, and also about the personal and the political. Don't read the comments -- just imagine all the bigoted, viciously ignorant crap that people spew on these boards, and you'll have a good idea of what it's like. But! the article itself is great.
~ In our land where crossover is now king,
Death meets Lex Luthor, as penned by Paul Cornell.
In other news, I am writing a Merlin fic in my head. Should probably put pen to paper (or rather, fingers to keys soon). Maybe after these syllabi are done. Oh, and my aunt is on the mend. Thanks for your good thoughts, guys.