stuff 'n' things

Jun 08, 2010 12:03

I have some tabs open that I've been meaning to post, so here goes. There are some political views mentioned, so you know. But then there are also happy fandom things. So there.

~ Have you guys seen the new Nike World Cup commercial? It's really gorgeous, a quantum universe ad if you will -- every new choice writes another possible world. My dad and I taped every game of the 1994 World Cup, with elaborate charts of groups etc, trying to figure out the chances mathematically. I remember thinking that I was going to be graduated from high school when the next one came around, and then graduated from college at the then unimaginable age of 22 at the one after that. (Which of course didn't happen; I was distinctly non-oracular when it came to predicting my own life, since I didn't exactly follow the well ordered plan I had in mind.) But I was in Italy for that one anyway, and got to watch some of the games from huge screens in Piazza Navona whilst drinking limoncello... so chalk up one for fucking things up! Everything is quantum, I guess. And that's why this really seems to fit.

~ Is Orly Taitz, queen of birthers really going to win the primary for California Sec'y of State??? What the hell? I suppose this is actually cheerful news considering the BP spill, and the flotilla, and stuff that is Actually A Big Horrifying Deal; at least we can laugh. But really?

~ Speaking of horrifying, I think that religion has no business in politics, and founding sovereign states on the basis of religion is one of the worst things that has ever happened to the world. (Hi, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Israel, etc... yes, I'm talking to you.) I think what happened after WWII with the creation of Israel was an egregious exploitation of anti-semitism & colonialism, itself grossly anti-semitic (i.e. let's get this (entirely European & American) problem/sin as far away from us as possible), and thrust the Middle East into chaos from which it has still not recovered (and with no prospect of recovery in the forseeable future)! Awesome plan, yeah. Now, of course, we're stuck with the result. But of course, saying anything other than, "I support our great democratic white-ish ally in the Middle East" in public is tantamount to career suicide. C'est la guerre. So, I guess that's all Helen Thomas wrote. Meanwhile, Israel continues to block an impartial probe into the flotilla attack. Fabulous.

~ In more fun news, after Sharif Atkins (Clinton Jones on White Collar) pleaded for a love interest in Season 2, Jeff Eastin says "Clinton Jones fanfiction, slash fanfiction is really all I need." Could he be any more awesome? I think we need to give Jones more fic-love people. Is there any Jones/Mozzie fic? If there isn't, there should be! Check out the interview here. The quote I picked out starts at 3:18.

~ I am still looking for this vid. Please help! FOUND! by the incredibly awesome stasha2g. ♥ ♥ ♥ It is here:

~ Doctor Who. Yeah. Long post coming, whenever I can muster up the energy.

~ I have had to take a hiatus from the Great Thirkell Read for the reason that she is simply too fascist for me to handle at the present moment. And this from me who prides myself on not caring about the moral character of my fiction. I'm sure I will regain proper feeling soon enough. Long Thirkell post coming soon too, for the 2.6 of you who will care.

fandom: white collar, political, whine & cheeze, links, author: angela thirkell

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